Wednesday 19 June 2013

Liferay with MAVEN : Deploying simple portlet

OOTB Liferay IDE/SDK comes with ANT but Maven has some advantages over ANT. You may google more for the differences or a why?? to go for MAVEN.

Anyways, for Liferay we need to follow a bit out of the way procedure. Lets see, how it goes....


1. Download Liferay maven sdk zip (
(1.1 Extract this
1.2 go to terminal/command prompt
1.3 liferay-maven-sdk> mvn install
1.4 liferay-maven-sdk> mvn archetype:generate)
2. Install maven on eclipse


1. Create a new Maven Project

2. Click Next

3. Select liferay-portlet-archetype for creating a portlet.

4. Set GroupId(your package), artifact Id(your portlet name), version(1.1) and package

5. Following is the project structure

6. Set values in demoMaven project pom.xml


Change the values with your existing configuration of portal.(This is the path to your liferay-portal)

7. In your pom.xml replace
${liferay.version} with your liferay version, I am using 6.1.1 so I replaced with the same. So, finally pom.xml looks something like the following
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>demoMaven Portlet</name>


8. Go to your command prompt or Terminal(Linux)
 mvn clean install liferay:deploy

Your first portlet is deployed with maven :)

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